Martes, Marso 10, 2015


RANAW tells a story about the muslim culture. There was a sultan ( muslim chieftain in a certain village) went to the forest to do his hobby, hunting. Together with his companion they went to the forest and hunt every animals they want. While hunting in the forest, they saw a baby boy. The sultan like the baby as if he wants to adopt it as his son. He named the baby boy Bato-Lakungan. After hunting, they went back to their village and share the good news to everyone. They celebrate and performed traditional dances. The sultan and his wife adopted the baby and raised him as their son. After many years, the baby  grow up into a matured age. He grew strong with great skills and intellect than the sultan. He had great potentials and had good characteristics as a leader. He is worthy to be the next sultan in their village. One day, the sultan together with his companion  went to the forest to do his favorite hobby, hunting. He left Bato-kalungan together with his wife in their village. Bato-Lakungan waited his father in their house. While waiting, his mother had an affection on him and try to seduced. Bato- kalungan was not affected by the seduction effect of her mother. He respect her and treated her as his true mother. He refuse to deal with his mother. Because of what he had done, his mother got angry and embarrassed. After the sultan together with his companion hunting the forest, they return home. When they arrive home, the sultan's wife accused Bato-Lakungan of doing bad on her. They captured Bato-Lakungan and imprisoned him. Bato-Lakungan felt sad and angry. He always think why is they capture him. He was innocent and he was only blackmailed by his stepmother. Then, suddenly the magical weapons appeared on him. The magical weapons told him to use their powers in order to escape from their village and go find some place that he can live with. Bato-Lakungan use the magical weapons. Someone says there is a beautiful place but it is so far away from their village. The name of the place was Ranaw. Bato-Lakungan wants to go there. With the use of the magical weapons, he managed to escape from their village. He walked hundred miles and climb many mountains all day all night until finally arrived. It not is not really a beautiful place. Hence, there are lots of monsters on it.  Even though he is a stranger in that place, he still help the people living on that place and even sacrifice his life just to save them from the monsters. With the use of his magical weapons, he managed to eliminate the monsters and even the one that brings misfortune to the land. The villagers accepted Bato-Lakungan in their village and even gave him a rank for saving them and bring peace to their land. They live happily there until one day there are invaders want to invade their land. Bato-Lakungan bravely wants to defend their village. He assemble the men to fight to their enemy. They fight their enemy and successfully won the battle. Their enemies stand no chance to them. They celebrated their victory. Bato-Lakungan found a girl in the forest. The girl was the daughter of the other village. Bato-Lakngan felt in love to the girl and so the girl too. But unfortunately they are both going to be married to other person. They still fight for their love. One day, Bato-Lakungan was seen by the man who was going to be the husband of the girl he loved. They fight in the forest. With the use of his magical weapon, managed to defeat his rival. His enemy noticed that he had a talisman that makes him strong. His rival commanded his companion to steal his talisman. They made to steal Bato-Lakungan's magical weapon. Bato-Lakungan felt sad and powerless. His enemy challenge him to fight to death. Bato-Lakungan refuse to fight but the villagers are forcing him. Until the enemies arrived and the battle begins. The village had been shattered. Bato-Lakungan died on the battle. The battle was not only between muslims, but there are also Spaniards on it.      

The show was good. It was well directed. I was amazed and didn't expect that it would be a great show. It was well directed. It is a musical drama. I watch the show because we are oblige to write or make a blog post about it. At first, I don't like to watch it because it might just a waste of time and money. I always think that if it is not compulsory to watch the show, I will not watch. I thought it's just an ordinary drama. I didn't expect that it was a musical drama. When the show was started, the actors and actresses starts to sing. They completely memorize their script and had beautiful voices. It directly catches my attention. They started to act. I like the way they act. They acted well and with emotion. I enjoy the show. From the beginning up to the end, it was really great. I realized that it's not a waste of time and money. It's a pleasure watching the show. The show gives me knowledge about the muslim culture. It also gives me a lesson, a lesson about bravery. Just like Bato-Lakungan did. He He did everything and even sacrifices his own life just to help and save people. The show really inspired me and teaches me to be strong and have the courage to do what is right and to avoid what is evil. The show was awesome and thanks to it I learned great things.